Call for Papers

How much should communicative and social agents disclose that they are not human while their features mislead us to think otherwise? Recent technological advances, including generative AI that produces human-like language, speech syntheses, and realistic visuals, widen the scope of possibilities to create human-computer interactions that may be impossible to distinguish from human-human interaction in specific environments. Meanwhile, scholars of the HCI community have increasingly focused on malicious design strategies, producing a growing list of so-called dark patterns. However, this discourse has primarily been set on screen-based interactions. Considering the availability of technologies and the prevalence of social agents, which, in the wrong hands, can be used in similarly malicious manners, requires special awareness among stakeholders regarding the protection of users.

This half-day hybrid workshop will kick off this discourse by inviting participants from academia and industry to reflect on these technologies. We will carry over the ongoing discourse of dark patterns to social agents and conversational user interfaces and consider the need for design guidelines and regulations to ensure users' safety.

Application via Paper

Applicants are invited to submit position papers of 3-4 pages in length (ACM single-column format including references) to present their related research findings, novel ideas, and work-in-progress. Submissions will be reviewed by at least two workshop organizers and admitted based on their quality, relevance to the topic, and diversity. For each submission, at least one author must attend the workshop. Key details can be found below:

Application via Indication of Interest

Alternatively, if you are interested in this workshop but do not have prior experience in ethical design research, you can send us a brief indication of interest. Position papers will be favoured over indication of interests in case we receive too many applications.

Key Dates:

Submission Deadline: 2nd of June, 2023 AoE
Notification of Acceptance: 14th of June, 2023 AoE
Workshop date: 19th of July, 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm (UTC+2)